Bebet & the Pis


Therance & I 2006

Here’s a lil’ story of me and my Bebet.

After my darling mother (Sabiana) told me, ‘you need to go out, you think a man is going to turn up on your doorstep? GO OUT’, I decided to have a looky at what the net had to offer, not being so enthusiastic about it, I tried just one dating site called Love Happens, which has since closed due to being unpopular.

I was very picky, as you are when you’re 22 years old and only ever had 2 boyfriends. So I filled in the relevant stuff they ask and up they came with 50 ‘specimens’ for me to have a look at. I threw some words together and copy and pasted them to a select bunch. I’ll be honest, I got 2 replies. Heck, I didn’t think I’d get 1 reply.

One was way too creepy and seemed to have become really acquainted with a life like doll that he’d forgotten how to communicate with a true living, breathing human. So he was a big no go.

The next one, well he seemed too good to be true. You know the one’s where you wonder ‘why the heck are you single?’, do I dare say it? yeah! ‘you gotta be gay’ or full of shit. So I decided to try my luck with this one.

Yep, too good to be true, the dating site only allowed you to send 1 message and 1 ice breaker to each member. I’d used mine up. Oh well, I tried. Off I went on my usual day to day things forgetting about the one guy I finally found that I think I liked.

Now before Facebook there was a place called hi5, yes there was other social media sites before Facebook and no they were not 5 hyperactive 20 something year olds bouncing around entertaining kids. Hi5 was the ‘it’ place to be. I was bored and decided to search some friends on there, as you do. In my stalking, I saw a familiar face, ‘it’s him!’. My faith in humanity was restored. I send him a friend request and he accepted, but upon checking his profile, he had a young girl who was very flirtatious with him and I settled for friends.

Assumption is a bitch, she may have been flirtatious but it was one way. He sent me a message and it ‘blossomed’ from there. We communicated via phone calls, texts, emails, smoke signals etc. I still thought it was too good to be true, this was internet dating after all, you can say you’re single and the other wouldn’t know if it was true or not, and I was so bloody smitten he could have told me he had a second head and tail and I’d probably of giggled.

Here’s the thing, I lived in Australia and he lived in the Seychelles. Seychelles is where all my family are from. We’d never ever met, but had been chatting for nearly a year. The 23rd of March 2 something in the morning before he headed overseas for sports, I get this text message ‘will you marry me?’. I went stupid, a happy stupid, I ran into mum’s room, yes the woman who said I needed to go out to meet a man, and told her, ‘mum he proposed, what do I say’. My mother’s response, ‘ok, go away’. Ok so she was sleeping. I went back to my room, and stupidly said YES!. I say stupidly, as if anyone told me ‘oh I met this guy online, he could be lying, and I’ve never met him, but I’ve accepted his marriage proposal’, after I’ve slapped you, I’d tell you you’re being stupidly naive.

Let me add some more naive moves in. I organised to go to Seychelles to meet him, he arrived back from overseas on the 21st of June and I arrived the following day. I got out of immigration and customs pretty quick, and quickly dodged past him and his two friends who were there to pick me up. I sat in a dark corner and watched them, I even saw them ask some flight attendants if I was on the flight and still inside. I was shitting bricks. I finally got the courage, that and they were walking away to leave and I needed a ride home. So I up and grew a set and called out. Crap! Now my insides were tight, my heart was in my throat and I felt like vomiting.

He hugged me, I went gooey.

ab88ff5d-c084-4d21-bdf7-850db3806e10His two friends left a  few hours later and left me and him there. I had a shower (it was a long 2 flights) and he slept (he also had a long flight from Belgium). We spent the day getting to know each other, when it came to that evening, I was ready for him to go, as the last bus is around 6:30ish back to town. He didn’t leave, I had no intention of him staying.

Since 22nd of June 2006 when I stepped off that plane, he never left, and he never has. The only times we’ve spent nights a part is when I gave birth to our daughters and my recent knee op. December 14th 2006, we got married. So no my beautiful mother, I didn’t need to go out and find my Bebet, he kinda turned up to my doorstep (internet doorstep).

All these years, children, more ups than downs, he wasn’t too good to be true or gay! He’s still here with me and I still get gooey over him. I drive him absolutely bonkers but he is still my Bebet and I his Pis (monster and flea, don’t ask), I still reach for him at night and he still needs to have his hand on my butt to sleep.

This is the story of how the Bebet met his Pis.

Don’t forget to say hi of my Faceboo Page Everyday Mum and I’m on instagram, just search everydaymum