My little hipsters Evelyn & Chloe – Intro about this “Hip Mumma” – Guest Post


Hip Mum Brooke and her beautiful girls Chloe & Evelyn

My name is Brooke and I am a very proud mother of two gorgeous girls Evelyn & Chloe.  I decided to write about our experiences and create this blog to share our journey and let others experiencing this know that yes, at the time it just feels like the worst thing in the world and how could this happen to your precious child, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  That isn’t easy for me to say especially when our eldest had a long and enduring DDH journey resulting in being braced twice for a period of 13 months.  As if it wasn’t hard enough seeing her struggle in her rhino brace when she was first fitted to then go through it again at 17 months was just heartbreaking.   We have only recently commenced our journey with our second daughter who was diagnosed at birth.

I hope by sharing our highs and lows this gives you a chance to feel you aren’t alone.  Through these trials I have built up some great friendships and received fantastic support from others also travelling on this path.   Despite all of this, one thing is for sure these gorgeous “Hippy Babes” have an abundance of resilience and determination, more than you will ever realise and I couldn’t be prouder of my two!

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